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What We've Launched

The Amistad Bolivian Mission

The Amistad Orphanage and Hospitality Center in Cochabamba, Bolivia continues to thrive since its founding by the New York Fellowship in 1985. Ten orphanage homes housing ten children each have been built in the Amistad Children's Villa. In addition, a clinic, school, and nursery facility established in the remote Andes Mountain village of Aramasi continues to improve the lives of Quechua Indians. This
Amistad facility serves as the only medical outpost serving a vast territory in the Bolivian Andes Mountains. As a direct result of initiatives through the Amistad Mission the first medical school in Bolivia was opened.

Pregnancy Help, Inc.

From 1987 to 1991, the New York Fellowship operated its own pregnancy counseling service. In 1994, office space was provided, and funding was developed for a new non-profit organization. Pregnancy Help, Inc. offered support and counseling to women with unwanted pregnancies.

Business & Professional Outreach

Love & Respect Ministries

For its first two years, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and his wife, Sarah, developed their nationally-acclaimed seminar series “Love & Respect” under the auspices of the New York Fellowship. Love & Respect Ministries then launched its own ministry which offers a profound marriage strengthening message to massive crowds at sold-out conferences around the country, as well as videos and an array of small group curricula. Dr. Eggerichs has published an all-time best selling book “Love & Respect,” plus others.

East Harlem Little League

Launched in 1993 with leadership from the New York Fellowship, the East Harlem Little League continues
to serve hundreds of at-risk children with mentoring and caring coaches.

Church Renewal Movements

B.J. and Sheila Weber have been at the forefront of efforts to encourage new pastors to come serve the inner city as well as restore and reinvigorate failing, traditional churches.

The New York Fellowship provided transitional help to long time Cru Executive Ministries leaders, David and Diane Balch

as they launched a new ministry to reach professionals around the world with a “Win, Build, Send” discipleship strategy.

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